Meet Sue

Meet Sue: Co-Founder and Co-Host
of The Sublime Soiree

Hi, I am Sue, and my husband, Doug, and I just celebrated our 28th wedding anniversary. We are a blended family. As of September 2022, following the marriage of our youngest child, Zach, we are officially empty nesters. I also have two daughters, Alex and Ari. Alex is a talented recruiting and marketing specialist,  and Ari also is a gifted marketing communications specialist. She and her husband, Nate, have three children, sweet Ellie, Beckett, and Autumn, who are the grand treasures of my life. I really love my family and try to spend any free time I can with them. I also am thoroughly enjoying more time with my man.

I love coffee and dark chocolate, connecting with friends and enjoying the beautiful outdoors. Among my greatest life goals, however, is to encourage others by doing life with them and pointing them to Jesus. Some of the ways I have done this over the years is by serving at my home church. I first helped in high school ministry for 11 years. It was there that I was involved in Missions trips, led a small group and helped to encourage other leaders. After volunteering in high school ministry, I co-led a Moms’ Ministry. I also have led neighborhood studies for many years and love to study God’s word. But some of my favorite ways to encourage others are through coffee dates, soup-making and walks in our local parks – in other words, meeting friends on level ground as we encourage one another to higher ground.

In addition to the joy of being a wife and mom, I have had the pleasure of working in sales, as well as event research and planning. Most recently I had the opportunity to work for two different service organizations researching and coordinating events. Prior to pursuing my college education at Trinity College, and before becoming a mom, I worked in the Chicago area for 10 years placing salespeople among Fortune 500 companies. So, even in the professional world my heart has always been to connect people for a greater purpose.

My heart is to lead, teach and encourage women to be all that God has designed them to be and to live a life of purpose for Him. My heart’s desire is to someday hear “Well done, My good and faithful servant,” from my dear Savior, Jesus.

– The Day I Accepted God’s Invitation –

When I was a young child, I was watching a Billy Graham Crusade with my dad, and at the end Mr. Graham extended an invitation to come and make a commitment to Christ. Many people went down front. They played the hymn, “Just as I am.” (You can read the lyrics by visiting the Soiree Secrets tab on our Homepage and clicking on Soiree Secret #2.)  I asked my dad why people were going down front, and he explained to me that this song laid out the simple terms of a life changing spiritual transaction between being a sinner and our need for a Savior. So that night I prayed with my dad. I said to God that I am a sinner in need of a savior, and I confessed my sins and told Jesus I desired to follow him by faith. 

That prayer is where it started, but it was just the beginning. As I continued to grow through my parents’ leading, life happened. It was hard to obey and live life. In high school and in college my relationship with Jesus waned, and I wasn’t making the best choices; but God even used my mistakes to draw me back to himself. I love how God’s love does not change when we do; he welcomes us back. When I was 24 years old, I was in the throes of making some bad decisions, and going through a divorce, but not seeking God. It was in the deepest, darkest times he drew me back. I knew I needed his help and once again asked him to take a hold of my life and told Him I would follow him.  As I look back, there were seasons where I walked closely with God, but many I walked in my own way. As I have continued to know Jesus and His life-giving power, however, I walk closer than ever before.  Being a follower of Christ is a relationship. If I want to know my husband, and I desire to know who he is, I spend time with him. The same holds true for Jesus. If we want to truly know Him, we must seek time with Him, reading His word and praying with Him. As we do we discover that Jesus Christ our Savior truly is sublime!